![]() - Fishing water guide for province of Skåne (Scania) in Sweden -
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Fishing waters: (Click on link for each water to get detailed information) Almaån, smaller river in north of Skåne, near Hässleholm village. Good fishing for chub. Also populations of trout, pike, perch and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment)Arriesjön, small lake in south-west Skåne. Put & take fishing for rainbow, brown trout. Also fishing for perch, pike, tench. Ballingslövssjön, lake in north-east Skåne. Fishing for perch, pike, tench, pikeperch and many more species. Björkadammen put&take fishing in south of Skåne near Sjöbo village and lake Vombsjön. Fishing for rainbow. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Björkaån (Tolångaån, Åsumsån, Vollsjöån) small river in south east Skåne. Fly and spin fishing for trout. Fishing for rainbow. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Bäljaneå small river in north west Skåne, Salmon, sea running trout. Ekemölla Sportfishing put & take fishing for rainbow in north east Skåne. Finjasjön, lake near Hässleholm village. Good fishing for perch and pike, Excellent ice fishing lake. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Helgeån river in south Småland and north Skåne, offer varied fishing for trout, salmon, perch, pike, pikeperch (zander), chub, burbot, roach, bream, rainbow and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Holjeån river in west Blekinge and north east Skåne. Fishong for salmon, sea running trout, brown trout and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Höjeå, river in southwest Skåne. Originates from lake Häckebergasjön. Flows out in the sea near Lomma village in the Bay of Lomma. Salmon, sea running trout, brown trout and others. (External link). (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Ivösjön, lake in east Skåne. Fishing for perch, pike, pikeperch (zander), salmon trout and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Kävlingeå - Löddeå, river in west Skåne. Famous for the fishing for really big Pike. Laholmsbukten, (the bay of Laholm) north west Skåne and south Halland. Fishing for seatrout, salmon and flatfish. Lilla Hålsjön (Trollsjön) put & take fishing lake in north Skåne just north of Örkelljunga village. Fishing for trout and rainbow. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Löddeå - Kävlingeå, river in west Skåne. Famous for the fishing for really big Pike. Nybroån, river in south Skåne. Famous for excellent sea trout fishing. Osbysjön, lake in north east Skåne, offer fishing for many different species; carp, pike, perch, pikeperch (zander) and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Ottarpasjön, lake in north-east Skåne. Fishing for perch, pike, tench, pikeperch (zander) and many more species. Pinnån smaller river in north west Skåne, lower stretches hoolds salmon and sea running trout. Upper stretches horld populations of brown trout, perch, pike and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Raus Sportfiske put&take fishing in, Helsingborg, near river Råån in Raus. Rainbow and trout. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Ringsjön (Östra (East) Ringsjön and Västra (West) Ringsjön) in mid Skåne. Fishing for pike, perch roach, pikeperch (zander) and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Råån small rinver in north east Skåne, just south of Helsingborg city, in Råå village. Fishing for sea running trout, rainbow, pike, perch and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Rönneå small river in north west Skåne. Lower stretches offer salmon and sea trout fishing. Also fishing for perch, pike and brown trout. Sallerupsdammen put&take fishing in south west in Malmö city. Rainbow and trout. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Saxån river just south of Landskorna city in the west of Skåne. Renown fishing for real big perch and pike in the estuary area. Also good fishing in other areas in the river for perch, pike, roach and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Sireköpinge Sportfishing Closed since 2012. Put & take fishing for rainbow and trout. North west Skåne. Sjöledens Fishing Camp, Closed, put & take fishing for rainbow in north west Skåne. Fishing for brown trout, pike and perch in Rönneå river. Skoogsgården Sportfishing, today called Ekemölla Sportfishing. Skånes West Coast coastal stretch in west Skåne, from Kullen lighthouse in the north to Falsterbo village in the south. Varied fishing for ide, perch, cod, flatfish, and sea running trout. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Skräbeån small river in east Skåne, near Bromölla village, renown for the population of real big whitefish. Also fishing for trout. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Smedjeån, small river in south Halland and north. Offer salmon and sea running trout fishing. But also population of perch, chub, pike and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Spångabäckens Fiskeodling put&take fishing just north of Örkelljunga in north Skåne. Trout and rainbow. OBS: Individual fishing closed (2016) only open for larger groups and company arrangement. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Stensån, small river in south Halland and north. Offer salmon and sea running trout fishing. But also population of perch, pike and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Svenstorpssjön, lake in mid Skåne, near Perstorp. Classisc carp fishing water.(Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Sätoftasjön part of lake Ringsjön. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Tollerupsjön Put&take fishing in mid Skåne, just north east of Höör village. Rainbow and trout. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Tolångaån (Björkaån, Åsumsån, Vollsjöån), small river in south east Skåne. Brown trout fishing. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Tommarpsån, small river in Southeast Skåne. Sea running trout fishing. Trollsjön, see under section about lake Lilla Hålsjön. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Vegeå, small river in north west Skåne. Fishing for sea running trout in the estuary area, near Utväling village. Further upstream in the river also fishing for brown trout, perch, pike and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Vittsjön, lake located between villages of Markaryd and Hässleholm, in north Skåne. Renown carp fishing lake. Also good fishing for pike, perch and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Vollsjösån (Björkaån, Tolångaån, Åsumsån), small river in south east Skåne. Brown trout fishing. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Vombsjön, lake in south of Sweden in Skåne county. Very good fishing for perch, Very popular ice fishing lake. Also fishing for trout, pike and pike perch. Västersjön, lake in north west Skåne. Fishing for pikeperch (zander) roach, perch, pike and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Västhamnens Sportfiske, harbour area in west of Skåne, in south of Helsingborg ciy, easy accessible sea coast fishing. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Västra (West) Ringsjön in mid Skåne. Fishing for pike, perch roach, pikeperch (zander) and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Åsumsån (Björkaån, Tolångaån, Vollsjöån), small river in south east Skåne. Brown trout fishing. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Öresjön, small lake near river Stensån, in Båstad village. Fishing for perch, pike, trout and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Öresund, sea area (sound) between south west Sweden and east Denmark. Excellent sea fishing for cod, herring, flatfish and many other sea fish species. Well organized tour boat fishing. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Örsjön, nice fishing lake on the border between provinces of Skåne and Småland in south of Sweden, north of Osby village. Population of perch, pike, pikeperch (zander), bream, burbot, tench and trout. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment). Östra (East) Ringsjön in mid Skåne. Fishing for pike, perch roach, pikeperch (zander) and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment)
County Administrative Board for Skåne - M
Articles about fishing in Skåne
Trollingplats Öresund
(Swedish fishing magazine article)
På jakt efter storabborren,
by Åke Lindau 1977
(Swedish fishing magazine article)
Lortvatten (Swedish fishing magazine
© Cinclus C 2017
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