![]() - Laholmsbukten, (bay of Laholm) - | Back to Start Page | Fishing waters Sweden |
All kinds of fishing are suitable here, spinn fishing, trolling, angling and flyfishing. Most of the fishing is for sea trout, salmon, garfish, perch and different species of flatfish Fishing for sea trout/salmon usaully begins 31/3 and continues until 30/9. But check latest regulations on site The best fishing for sea trout is in April and usually last to middle of May, when the fish for garfish usually begins.Fishing in the bay is free, but remember that the areas surrounding river outlets is not free. Here you must buy fishing permits for each river. The fishing for sea trout is best at dusk and dawn, but when the weather gets warmer the fishing is best at night-time The best wind condition is if the wind blows from south west. A varied stony bottom with weeds and sea grass is good and the fishing spots near the river outflow is always worth a try. A good rule is: the warmer the water is, at further distance from the shore shall you fish.
Suggestions of good fishing spots:
Fishing tips for fly fishermen: Dryflies: At dusk: Streaking caddis, dark muddlers or other flies that create a sharp silhouette against the sky. Other well floating dryflies works fine (size 12-16) e.g Rackelhanen, E-12 and Variant flies.
Laholms bukten marked on map of Sweden Fishing tips (in Swedish) Articles, books, about Laholms bukten Notices on Laholms bukten (Swedish)
Fishing guides, fishing charter Fiskeguide i Laholm, fishing in south of Halland, near coastline fishing for salmon, sea trout. Also lake fishing for pikeperch.
Accommodation/Logding Mellbystrands Uthyrning, cottages, cabins, houses for rent Våxtorp Camping Cabins, campsite; caravans, tent and cabins Youth Hostel Birkagården, Åled, Halmstad Tallhöjdens Hotel & Restaurant, rooms and cabins, Simlångsdalen
Tackle shops ----
Tourist information Båstad Tourism, Båstad Halmstads Tourist Office, Halmstad Mellbystrand Tourist Information
External links Laholms Laxfiske (Lagans FVO)
Fishing articles, books about Laholms Bukten ----
You are welcome and send us fishing info or fishing reports regarding Laholms bukten, mail us
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