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River in the south of Skåne, just east of Ystad. Approx. 10 km upstream from the outflow the river change name to Fyleån, that originates from the agriculture district just south east of Sjöbo. Have been undergoing a intensive environmental preservation program, which has created a very fine fishing river. The river is very famous among fishermen for offers excellent sea trout fishing. Fishing Stretches:
River Nybroån marked on map of Sweden Fishing tips (in Swedish) Articles, books, about river Nybroån Notices on river Nybroån (in Swedish)
The first fishing stretch begins at the outflow into the sea and reaches 2 km upstream to the double bridges just downstream Barevad. This stretch is managed by Ystadortens Fiskevårds- och Sportfiskeklubb (Ystad Fishing preservation and Sportfishing club) (www.nybroan.se) Population of sea running trout, perch, pike, rainbow trout. You can use fly fishing, spin fishing. Live bait angling only allowed during june 1st- august 14th. Not allowed to fish from boat. Fishing season varies from one year to another. Fishing permits (not for the early spring fishing season) for are sold by Fiske & Sportboden in Ystad. In 2017 the general fishing season starts in february, fishing permits are sold through www.nybroan.se or by Fiske o Sportboden i Ystad and online by Fiskekort.se On this stretch there is also a fishing cabin for hire for visiting fishermen, go to www.nybroan.se for more information
Fishing guides, fishing charter ----
Accommodation/Logding Tygegården Hostel in Löderup, approx. 15 km away from river.
Tackle shops
Tourist information
External links
Fishing articles, books about river Nybroån Lax och havsöring i Nybroån, by Nils Ehnbom, old newspaper article from Svensk Fiskeri Paper in 1966
You are welcome and send us fishing info or fishing reports regarding river Nybroån, mail us
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