Cinclus C Sportfiskeguide, All fishing resources of Sweden

- Lake Arriesjön -

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Lake Arriesjön (30 metres above sea level.) located approx. 1 km east of Arrie -  a small village just south of Malmö. The lake is created from a water filled gravel/sand pit.  Size: 25 hectare (25000 m²), greatest deep: 5 metres.

Fish species: perch, bleak, pike, pikeperch, carp, roach, rudd, tench, eel.

Road description (Map):
From Malmö road 101 towards Anderslöv.
Turn left at a Bilisten gas station a couple of kilometres east of Oxie, turn directly left again and follow the road for 200 metres until you reach some grey buildings on the right.

Permits can be bought at:
Sportfiskegiganten, Lundavägen 56, Malmö, Östra Hindbyvägen 30, Malmö
Arrie Kulturhus ”Fill My Cup” in Vellinge
Can also be bought through Swish payment

More info can be found at:



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Lake Arriesjön marked on map of Sweden

Area map

Fishing tips (in Swedish)

Articles, books, about lake Arriesjön

Notices on lake Arriesjön (in Swedish)


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Fishing guides, fishing charter






Tackle shops

List of tackle shops in Skåne


Tourist information

Malmö Tourist & Kongress

Vellinge, Falsterbonäsets Tourist Office


External links


Fishing articles, books about lake Arriesjön



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You are welcome and send us fishing info or fishing reports regarding lake Arriesjön, mail us

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