Welcome and send in fishing info and
reports on
Rostujávri, mail us

in north-west Lapland at the border to Norway. Located in roadless land at 678 meters
above sea level, approx. 100 km north of Kiruna. The two main tributary are the river
Råstoätno in the east and river
Råstoälven in the west. The surrounding area is dominated by sandridges and mires. This
geographical region is in general called the Sandåslandet (Sandridgeland). The far west
part of the lake is located in Norway and is a part of Upper Dividals National Park. There
are no roads leading up to the lake, the lake is only accessible by airplane or hiking and
in the winter by snowmobile or skies.The lake have a nice population of char and grayling and
in the surrounding creeks and rivers brown trout can be caught. The lake have a reputation
among fishermen for it's well sized grayling.
Though the number of insect species are few, still very intensive hatching can take place
and create feeding frenzy among the fish.
usually takes place from boat, but it works fine to fish from the shores. The best time is
usually from the beginning of July to the mid of August. Ice fishing from April to
Beginning of June Equipment,
Since the area surrounding the lake is fairly flat the wind is often blowing more or less.
Therefore you shouldn't bring to light equipment. A rod #6-7 is suitable. Bring both a
floating, a sink-tip and a sinker line.
Fly suggestion: Caddi imitations; Rackelhanen, Europea-12, Superpuppan, Streaking Caddis
and some weighted pupae imitations. Other recommended flies: Bibio imitations, Klinkhamer
Special, Black Gnat, March Brown Silver, Red Tag, Bloody Butcher, Black & Peacock
Spider, Black Zulu, also bring some streamers; Montana nymph, Prince nymph, Wholly Bugger
Equipment, spin fishing:
A light rod and reel, 0,20-0,25 line.
Lure suggestion: Mepps spinner, (a tip is to make them a bit heavier to help you reach the
correct depth). Fly leaders with two or three flies attached, Reflex spinner, small
Also ice-fishing is popular here.
A small fishing camp is located
next to the lake, with cabins for rent. Open all year round.
For more information on fishing
or cabin reservation contact: Rostujávri
Wilderness Camp
Area map

1. Råstoätno (Rostoeatnu, Råstätnu)
2. Aktsajåkkå (Ákcajohka)
3. Aktsajaure (Ákcajávri)
4. Våkajaure (Boggejávri)
5. Omatjaure (Omatjávri)
6. Voulimus (Rávdujávri)
7. Baurdaljaure (Bárdaljávri)
8. Njargajaure (Njárgajávri)
9. Härkejaure (Heargejávri) |
Fishing camp
2. Over night cabin
3. Over night cabin
Red dots: Hike trail |
(c) Cinclus C
2008 |