Cinclus C Sportfiskeguide, All fishing resources of Sweden

- Fishing in Bäsinge FVO -

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A fishing area in south east Dalarna which offers fishing in several lakes. Biggest waters are river Dalälven and lake Bäsingen. The area offer great sportfishing for pike, perch, pikeperch, whitefish, burbot, grayling, tench and brown trout.

When fishing in river Dalälven you are not allowed to fish from 200 meters upstream the hydroelectric power plant at Näs and 200 meters downstream the hydroelectric power plant at Lillforsen.

Angling are free for youth (less than 15 year old). Maximum 2 rods per fishermen. Bag limit: 3 salmonoid fish/permit/day. Catchable size for pikeperch are between 40-70 cm, and minimum size for trout are 40 cm and for grayling 35 cm.

Angling with use of live bait fish are allowed in the following lakes:  Forssjön to Bäsingen, Bäsingen, Rudusjön, Kungsgårdssjön, Jädersjön, Olsviken, river Dalälven from Lillforsen to Näs hydroelectric power plant , Stora Halsjön and Pellbosjön.

Fishing permits:

The year permit is valid for a calendar year. Children younger than 15 are fishing for free in company with adult who have bought a fishing permit.

Fishing permits can be bought at:
Avesta Tourist Office
ICA Nära Forshallen
Dalälvens bensin, By
OKQ8 Karlbo
Eriks Kiosk och spelbutik

Permit price (2017): All year permit: 200 SEK, Week permit: 100 SEK

Contact person for Bäsinge FVO:
Fredrik Juthman,

Fishing waters inside the area:

1. Bäsingen
2. Rudusjön
3. Kungsgårdssjön
4. Jädersjön
5. Olsviken
6. Bollsjön
7. Dickasjön
8. Forssjön
9. Brillingen
10. Pellbosjön
11. Lissjön
12. Långsjön
13. Lissjön
14. Kullhytt- Dammsjön
15. Stora Halsjön
16. Sävsjön
17. River Dalälven

Karta över Bäsinge FVO
Dotted line marks the border for the fishing area.

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Bäsinge FVO marked on map of Sweden

Depth map west area / Depth map east area

Fishing tips (in Swedish)

Articles, books, about Bäsinge FVO

Notices on Bäsinge FVO (in Swedish)


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Fishing guides, fishing charter




STF Avesta Hostel in Avesta


Tackle shops

List of Tackle shops in Dalarna


Tourist information

Tourist Office Dalahästen


External links



Fishing articles, books about Bäsinge FVO



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You are welcome and send us fishing info or fishing reports regarding Bäsinge FVO, mail us

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