![]() - Fishing water guide for province of Västerbotten in Sweden -
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Fishing waters: (Click on link for each water to get detailed information) Abborrtjärn, (Stor-Abborrtjärnen) put&take lake west of Robertsfors village. Fishing for perch, grayling, rainbow, char, trout and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Bjännsjön lake in mid Västerbotten inside Åkullsjöns FVO. Fishing for perch, pike, roach and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Brönstjärnen (Brånstjärnen) lake in mid Västerbotten. Fishing for perch, pike, roach and others. No fishing permits required, free fishing. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Byskeälv. Salmon- and sea trout river in northern Västerbotten and east Lappland. Also fishing for grayling and brown trout. Frötjärn lake in mid Västerbotten inside Åkullsjöns FVO. Fishing for perch, pike, roach and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Hakatjärn, put&take fishing lake 5 km norht west of Ånäset village. Populations of brook trout, grayling, char and trout. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Haratjärn lake in mid Västerbotten inside Åkullsjöns FVO. Fishing for perch, pike, roach and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Hemsjön lake in mid Västerbotten inside Rickleåns Övre FVO. Fishing for perch, pike and others (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment). Hörnån, smaller river in northern Ångermanland and south of Västerbotten. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Jomarkstjärn, put&take fishing lake approx. 5 km from Robertsfors village. Fishing for rainbow trut and trout. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Kyrksjön, Closed. Former Put and Take fishing lake in Lövånger village, for rainbow trout, brook trout, pike and perch. Kålabodaån small river in mid Västerbotten. 14 km north west of Ånäset village. Fishing for brown trout. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Långsjön, put&take lake 2 km north of lake Åkullsjön. Fishing for rainbow, char and trout. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Rickleån, river in mid Västerbotten, renown for the fishing for sea running trout. Also population of grayling, whitefish, perch and pike. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Skellefteälven big river, offer fishing for sea running trout and salmon in stretches near the sea. Furhter up in the river system fishing for trout, grayling, burbot, pike, perch and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Stor-Abborrtjärnen, (Abborrtjärn), put&take lake west of Robertsfors village. Fishing for perch, grayling, rainbow, char, trout and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Sävarån, smaller river in mid east Västerbotten, fishing for grayling, trout, salmon, sea running trout, burbot, pike, perch and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Tryssjön lake inside the Tryssjöns FVO in mid Västerbotten. Fishing for perch, pike, roach and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Tryssjöns FVO Fishing water area in mid Västerbotten. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Ultermyrbäcken creek inside the Tryssjöns FVO in mid Västerbotten. Fishing for brown trout. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Ultervattnet lake inside the Tryssjöns FVO in mid Västerbotten. Fishing for perch, pike, roach and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Ultervattnets Fiskecamp put&take fishing north west of Robertsfors village. Status after 2008 is unknown. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Umeälven, big river which flows through Lappland and Västerbotten. Fishing for salmon, sea running trout, grayling, trout, perch, char, pike and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Vargsjön lake in mid Västerbotten. Fishing for perch, pike, roach and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Vindelälven, river in Västerbotten and Lappland. Salmon, sea running trout, grayling, white fish, trout and others. The upper stretches is famous for the fishing for real big brown trout. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Ytterklintsjön lake in mid Västerbotten. Fishing for perch, pike, roach and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Åbyälven, river that flows through Lappland, Norrbotten and Västerbotten. Offer fishing for salmon, grayling, trout and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Åkullsjön lake in mid Västerbotten inside the Åkullsjön FVO. Fishing for perch, pike, roach and others. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment) Åkullsjön FVO fishing area in mid Västerbotten. (Detailed info only in Swedish at the moment)
County Administrative Board for Västerbotten - AC
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