Cinclus C Sportfiskeguide, All fishing resources of Sweden

- Accommodation/lodging in Östergötland -

Coat of arms for the Province Östergötland

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Accomm./Lodging in Sweden  |  Fishing water guide Sweden


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Accommodation/lodging available in:

 Björkfors  |  Nederlösa  |  Norrköping  |  Rimforsa  |  Ruda  | Ryda   |  Önhult  |


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Hotell Drott

Fishing close by: River Motala ström, lake Bråviken

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We can offer 22 singel- and doublerooms, all equiped with refriguator, Television, bathrooms with showers, hair dryer and phone.

Of course we provide a hefty breakfast buffet and we also have a nice kitchen so If you have luck in your fishing, then you can use our kitchen to cook your catch.

The location is at walkingdistans from the City. Park your car at our garage.

We co-operate with Norrköpings Sportfiske, where our guests have a 10% to 15% discount on everything in the store.

Hotell Drott
Tunnbindareg. 19
SE-60221 Norrköping

Phone: (0)11-180060




Rimforsa, Ryda, Björkfors


Ryda Jakt & Fiske (Hunting and Fishing)

Fishing close by: Lake sunden, lake Björkern, lake Juttern

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Ryda Jakt & FiskeWe offer accommodation/lodging in two large houses (140 m²) or in our log chalet (42 m²), all located in genuine rural environment.

Our diner can server everything from full course dinner to lunch packages, all according to your request. Conference possibilities.

Our surroundings provide a wide range of different fishing; Cray fish, pike, perch, pikeperch (zander), tench, eel. Fishing guide service, rent service for boats, fishing equipment.

Gösfiske, Ryda Jakt & FiskeWe have also a tackle-shop where you can buy most things necessary for your fishing. For fishing Cray-fish we provide all equipment.

Other things we can offer: hunting in our surrounding forest, hiking, canoe tours. Visit our website for more info.

yda Jakt & Fiske
SE-590 46 Rimforsa

Contact persons: Henric och Lise-Lotte

Phone: +46(0)709731557


Björkfors Kajak & Hostel (STF)

Fishing close by: Lake Åsunden, lake Björkern, lake Juttern

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Welcome to Björkfors Kajak & Hostel.

Björkfors Kajak & Hostel (STF)Beautifully located in Björkfors village "the pearl of Kinda surroundings" between lake Björkern and Åsunden. Here you have a small boat ramp if you have your own boat. Otherwise you can rent both boats, canoes, bikes from us.

The hostel have a well equipped kitchen for your guests, we can also provide you with breakfast, lunch and picnics packages.

We also offer accommodation in 5 bed cottage.

We sell fishing permits and cooperate with Kinda Sportfiskcentrum for guide service.

Visit our webiste for morte info.

Björkfors Kajak & Hostel
Gamla landsvägen 13
59046 Rimforsa, Björkfors

Phone: 0494-60047

Contact persons: Linda & Rick Veen



Ruda (Ruda is geographically located in Östergötland but administrated by Vingåker municipality in province Södermanland)


Ruda Gård (Farm)

Fishing close by: Lake Tisnaren

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Ruda FarmYou can fish, bathe, hike in great nature. Or just take it easy and enjoy the relaxing sound of waves and birdsong

Ruda Farm is located next to lake Tisnaren. A good fishing lake where you can catch pike, perch, pikeperch (zander) and other fish.

We can offer you several different accommodation options. We have cabins, cottages, apartments and even a house float for rent. All equipped for self catering.

Rowboat is included when renting a house for a week.

Nice perch from lake TisnarenWe can also offer traditional Swedish crayfishing. All legal sized cray fish you cath we can cook and serve you as a feast dinner. Or if you prefer to cook for yourself.

Fishing permits for Kalefjärdens fvo and Tisnarens västra FVOF are sold by iFiske.

Ruda Gård (Ruda Farm)
SE-64394 Vingåker

Phone: +46 (0)70-6798880 or
+46 (0)70-3620208

Contact persons: Mari and Kim




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