- Fishing Guide Service in Jämtland -

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Fishing Guides in
Fishing waters
in Sweden | Fishing waters in

Click on any of the following links to get a presentation
of each available fishing guide.
Advanced Fly Casting School - Swedish Center, with Piero Letizia,
river Gimån, Hårkan, Ammerån and river Indalsälven, fly fishing and
Mountain Farm, guided fishing in Hotagen mountain area, for char and
Ammeråns Fishing Camp
fishing in river Ammerån, river Indalsälven
mountain fishing for wild trout and brown trout at our two fish camps in
Destination Lapland Pike,
have you ever dreamed of pike fishing in Swedish Lapland? We are proud to
introduce the concept of the Destination Lapland Pike. We offer several
top-class pike destinations, starting 350 km north of Arlanda Airport. In
Jämtland we have a camps in Hällesjö and Stugun.
Fishing Guide Ronny Öberg, Trolling in lake Kallsjön in Jämtland for
lake trout.
Pelles Fiske, Per Persson, flyfishing for grayling and trout, river
Fishing Camp Valsjön,
Hotagen, Flinten, Rörvattnet, Skogsjö, Gunnarvattnet
Scandiwest Fly Fishing, with Lars-Åke och Jennifer Olsson in river Gimån.
Vaerie Fjällprodukter
Secluded mountain area fishing, peaceful and virgin water area in grand
nature in northern Jämtland
Zorbcenter Fiske
river Indalsälven, Ammerån and nearby lakes and tarns

Welcome to Anariset!
A Sami hunting and fishing company since 1996

When you want to fish genuine wild trout
and brown trout. In natural, unspoiled streams, tarns and lakes, with
big and natural reproduction. Ice fishing in early spring is at its
finest. Enjoy mountain fishing
and hunting at the highest level. Char and trout fishing, hunting
grouse, capercaillie or moose.
We also organize conferences /
meetings, etc. in unique and undisturbed mountain environment. We can
also arrange helicopter transport to our camp.
The level of service you decide. We can
offer all from self catrering accommodation and fishing permit to
complete travel packages with accommodation, transport and guides. It's
your choice.
two fishing camps called Ajvin Sijte and Anasjölägret. They are both
located in Anaris mountain area. The area has lots of lakes, tarns and
streams, all with natural populations of trout and char. Both camps
offer holiday self catering accommodation.
Read more on our
website about our full
range of adventure. Nature at our grounds is really inviting to other
activities such as hiking, photography, ski touring, mushroom and berry
picking, etc.. Come to Anariset for reflection, peace and quiet. One can
happily do nothing for a few days.
Anariset AB
Hallen 111
SE-830 05 Järpen
Contact person: Per Erik Jonasson
E-mail: info@anariset.se
http://anariset.se/ |

Vaerie Fjällprodukter Mountain area fishing in
peaceful and grand nature, Ohredahke Samic Village area in northern Jämtland.
We offer accomodation in 4 bed seat cabin och tent hut. Choose
between self catering och full pension service.
We only accept a few fishermen each
year to river Gransjöån and lake Stensjöns
water system. Maximum 100 fishing days per area. We want to preserve
this area to future generations of fishermen so they also can enjoy
these virgin and beautiful places. You will have the whole
area all for your self during your stay.
Our fishing adventures departure from our base in Blomhöjden
in the Frostviks mountain. You will fish at
Gierkiejaevrien (Lake Stensjöns water system), never before explored
for sportfishing. You can also fish at river Gransjöån, which has
been rested from fishing since 2009.
At lake Stensjön
is our 4-bed cabin located at the outflow of river Klingervattnet.
From here you can reach all waters just by a short walk. These are
pure trout waters, you fish in both rivers and lakes.
At river Gransjöån we offer a
4 km stretch of flyfishing for trout and char. The tent hut camp is
located at the mid if the stretch in beautiful surroundings..
Visit our
website for more
Buerie båateme! (Welcome!)
Vaerie Fjällprodukter
Fridsberg 485
SE-833 94 Strömsund
Joachim + 46 (0)70-267 72 27
Zara + 46 (0)76-846 40 14
Contact persons: Joachim and Zara
E-mail: vaerie@spray.se
Website: www.vaerie.se

Advanced Fly Casting
School Unique Fly &
Spin Fishing Stages and Casting Clinics (entry level & advanced)
managed by a worldwide professional – Piero Letizia.
From the season 2015 a Tenkara
School PL is starting to spread this amazing technique based on easy
movements enable anyone to fish with success, also those who have
never tried before like ladies and kids! Tenkara PL is a new
approach for a better use of this system and make easy goals!
The very long experience gained in
Sweden and in particularly in Jämtland rivers:
Hårkan -
Ammerån –
Indalsälven –
Långan and more, will give you the opportunity to
fish under the right guiding as well as technical assistance.
Casting tuition, in groups or
single person, are provided at place of residence Ottsjön – Föllinge
and practice on the nearby rivers.
The School offers many services and
fishing staff like: Selected Fly and Spin Materials (Rods, Flies,
Lines, Leaders, etc.), and fishing equipment (float-rings, canoe and
fishing kayaks, professional bass-boats fully equipped and so on).
For further information ask
directly to Piero at the following contacts:
Advanced Fly Casting School
- Sweden (May-September)
Phone: +46(0)73 043 73 81 Lodge address:
Ottsjön 123 83060 Föllinge,
- Italy (October-April)
Phone: +39 335 6449009
E-mail: info@afcs-flyfishing.com
Skype: fly_call |

Scandiwest Fly Fishing Lars-Åke and Jennifer Olsson have
a professional fishing guide service in Idsjöströmmen in river
Gimån. Here you have the
opportunity to catch really big grayling and trout. Lars-Åke Olsson has created the first
catch&release fishing water in Scandinavia, a paradise for every flyfishermen.
Click here for more info: http://www.scandiwest.com/ |

Pelles Fiske, Per Persson
Guided tour in
river Ammerån
Are you going to
visit river Ammerån for the first time and want to
find out where the fish is? Have you fished river
Ammerån before but are you unhappy with the results?
Then I have something to offer!
Guided fishing in
river Ammerånby experienced fishermen who have had
river Ammerån as his home water for more than 20
seasons. Shows you to the places that are best for
the moment, depending on the weather, wind and water
levels, at the time of the day that fits best and
informs you of which flies should be used
The guide service is arrranged according to what you
wnat and prefer, but preferably during the afternoon
and evening. Guides preferably on 1 to 4 people and
never more than 8 persons. Booking is made after
personal dialogue with me to ensure that it does not
collide with anything else.
For contact info
for Per and this guide service go to website:
http://www.pelles-fiske.se/ |

Cinclus C 2017