Cinclus C Sportfiskeguide, All fishing resources of Sweden

  - Tour boats, charter boats -


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Fishing guide service  |  Boat rental service

   There are a lot of (fishing) charter boats in Sweden. They make regular tours out to the sea and our great lakes. Skillful skippers offer there guests a nice fishing trip. They can by there knowledge of the local fishing  practilly guarantee their guests to catch a lot of fish. Many of the boats are serving food and beverage. You can also rent fishing equipment and get guidance.


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Tour boat fishing in these counties and cities










Göteborg (Bohuslän)

Göteborg (Västergötland)



Fishing guides with charter boats can also be found in the index of fishing guides
Trolling Fishing Charter can be found in the index of fishing guides


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Fladen Fishing Tours with Clipper

Fladen Fishing Tours with ClipperExperienced skippers take you out to Fladen 8h, Lilla Middelgrund 5h and other longer fishing tours.

We offer best available fishing equipment for rent. Safety west to all onboard. 

Our boat Clipper is certified for max. 40 passangers. 

For more info visit our webiste or if you are in Varberg visit our Elbe shop in the harbour. 

Our skippers; Pontus Bengtsson, Carsten Kjeldsen & Allan Dantoft welcome you to fantastic fishing.

For reservation call: +46 (0)340-12179 or +46 (0)340-13015 or +46 (0)707-460007



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M/S Amigo


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Helsingborg, Råå


HelsingborgsbåtarnaM/S Vandia och M/S Tärnö

Welcome to one of Sweden's best sea fishing areas; ÖRESUND and two of Sweden's most popular tour boats M/S Vandia and M/S Tärnö.

We run fishing trips each day from Helsingborg North Harbor and organizes all types of charter tours such as office parties, Denmark tours, clay pigeon shooting and guided tours.

Do you have any suggestions we can handle that too. Light refreshments such as beer, soft drinks, hot dogs and coffee is always on board.

M/S VandiaIf you want something extra on you boat trip just ask and we will do our best to provide it.

M/S Vandia:

Have 11 bunk beds and in the ship's kitchen you can cook your own food. The boat fits both common tourfishing and custom charters.

On board are serving hot dogs, coffee, soda, candy, etc., and the rental of fishing gear.

M/S Tärnö: tourfishing and charter. On board are serving hot dogs, coffee, soda, candy, etc.

We also have rental of fishing gear.

M/S TärnöContact info:

Niklas Nielsen
Phone: +46 (0)706 926571

Thomas Nilsson Vandia
Phone: +46 (0)703-809544



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Råå Boats (Svalandia Fishing tours)

RååbåtarnaM/F Islandia, Confident, Siam

Departure from Råå harbour, just south Helsingborg all year round.
(No departures on Midsummer Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve, New Years Day).

Fishing schedule 2014 (can be change during the season): Visit our website for detailed info

Other days and times according to premade arrangement or charter reservations. Accommodation and lodging in Råå harbour can be arranged.

Islandia, tour fishing boatAlso angling fishing on boat Islandia (cod and flat fish) 8.00-14.00
Maximum 25 pers, only by reservation.

We sell or rent all necesarry fishing equipment.

Contact person: Thomas Lövström
For more info and reservation:
Mobile: (0)70-2010088 or  (0)70-2010083


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LandskronabåtarnaLandskrona Boats

Welcome to the best fishing waters in Sweden.

We departure from harbour in Landskrona from where we reach the fishing depth surroundings island Ven in mid Öresund in only 20 minutes.

Depending on time of year we fish for cod, herring, mackerel and different flat fish species.

Landskrona BoatsOur boat the M/S Emma is a big roomy boat with a lot of space on fishing deck.

Bellow deck we serve coffee, sodas, hotdogs and sweets.

With a skilful, experienced crew you will have the best chances to catch big.

M/S Linda, fastest tourfishing boat, with room for more than 12 passengers, in Sweden

You can also rent or buy all necessary equipment needed for the fishing.

Landskrona BoatsCheck our daily updated catch reports

Call or visit our website for more info on prices and tour time list.

Contact: Peter (skipper)
Phone: +46 (0)760-391040


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Malmö, (Limhamn)


M/S Tumlaren




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För turbåtsverksamhet i Bohuslän se även under turbåtar avgående från Göteborg, Västergötland

Hjuvik, (Gothenburg)


Daisy Charter Fishing

Departure from Hjuviksbrygga


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Äventyr & Tång/Marine Events FisketurerÄventyr & Tång/Marine Events Fisketurer

Fishing trips and diving adventures

Just a stone's throw from the sea and two from Gothenburg, you will find parts of Sweden's finest archipelago that offer great diving and fishing!

Äventyr & Tång/Marine Events FisketurerÄventyr & Tång located at Hönö can put your boat with different orientations. With 17 years in the industry, we take you out to the finest locations for diving as well as to find seals and to fish for mackerel. Among our special liters, we can offer wreck fishing in Denmark or our popular lobster fishery in the autumn.

Wreck fishing to Denmark, departuring from Hönö Island in Archipelago of Gothenburg. Wreck fishing is a exciting and fun type of sea fishing. Around the wreck a lot of fish is gathered and you do not have to wait long for a bite. We provide you with all necesarry equipment. We fish for Cod, Bleak, Lobster, Pollock, Coalfish, Ling, Wolffish, Dogfish, Tusk and lot of other species. 7-8 hour tours.

Mackerel Fishing with Brasill - Hönö Öckerö Daily mackerel fishing trips from June to September. Take the family on an exciting boat ride.

Äventyr & Tång/Marine Events FisketurerLobstger Safari with Brasill-Hönö Klåva Join us on a thrilling lobster fishing for sea's black gold of the boat Brasill!

Contact info:
Äventyr & Tång/Marine Events Fisketurer
Hemvärnsvägen 2
475 42 Hönö

Phone: +46+(0)31-969994. Mobile: +46(0)707-176655



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Oberon Seafishing

Departure from Lysekil.



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No info at the moment, you can also visit our page on Fishing Guides Småland


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Uppland, Södermanland

Stockholm Skärgård


Sportfishing Guide Tomas Henriksson

Sportfishing Guide Tomas Henriksson, big pikeSportfishing in archipelago of Studsvik/Trosa allt the way to archipelago of Stockholm and also fishing in lake Mälaren.

Welcome to a fishing adventure and outdoor experience in the archipelago or on Lake Mälaren.

We provide all fishing equipment , safety gear, coffee and a food with a lake view if you wish.

We adapt the fisheries on what is the hottest of the season, but above all your wishes. Trolling for pikeperch on a warm Spring / summer day, spin fishing big perch in the late summer / autumn or why not hunt for the pike, good fishing in all seasons (with CATCH WARRANTY).

I have business licence and all the permissions required , ie Deck Officer Class 8.

Both small and large groups are welcome. Maximum 4-5 persons per boat. For larger groups I arrange with more fishing guides / boats. Both corporate events and individuals are welcome.

Sportfishing Guide Tomas Henriksson with his Anytec 622 SPFI can also arrange good / basic accommodation ( with conference facilities) near several good fishing waters.

For more info you can reach med by phone: +46 (0)70-915 44 56 or e-mail:

You can also find more info about me and my services on my website:


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Catch & RelaxCatch & Relax

All kind of guided boat fishing in Stockholm archipelago. Our main fishing spots are around Waxholm and Värtan, but we offer fishing in the whole archipelago. We also offer boat tours, boat excursions, explore Stockholm from the sea. Picknick trips out into the fantastic Stockholm archipelago.

Sun, Wind and Water – a way to relax, a way of living, a way of being and enjoy life. Catch & Relax want to put these feelings across to its guests.

Our motto is that our guests shall get to experience the best of Stockholm’s wonderful archipelago in close, an experience a bit out of the ordinary.

Fishing 320 Open – our pride! 10 x 3,10 meter, 3,5 tons and 450 hp engine. Brings you quite and comfortable out in the archipelago to our fishing spots. Onboard we have toilet, refrigerator, stove and much more that secures you a nice and comfortable experience. For up to 11 people. Fishing 320 Open
Barracuda 9 – our newest boat for 2013, all weather boat for sportfishing anf tours. 9 meters with cabin with room for 5 guests Barracuda 9
Polar 2700 CC - also a big fishing boat. 9 x 3,20 meter. Very roomy and with toilet on bard.  For up to 7 people. Polar 2700 CC
Sea Pro 24 - New and perfect fly fishing boat for up to 8 people. 7,21x2,69 m. 4-stroke, 225 hp quite motor. During fishing we use electrical engine. Sea Pro 24
M/Y Ischia 36 DC - Fantastic Italian Day Cruiser, for transports and boating tours for up to 12 persons. Equipped with bathing ladder, full covered roof, WC/Shower, big sitting area both indoors and out on deck. M/Y Ischia 36 DC

Catch &  Relax
Stegesundsvägen 63
SE-185 99 Vaxholm

Phone: +46 8 54491320
Mobile: +46 70



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No info at the moment, you can also visit our page on fishing guides in Värmland


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For tour boat service in Västergötland also check tour boat departuring from Bohuslän which is nearby.


No info at the moment, you can also visit our section on Bohuslän


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