![]() - Fishing Camps in Sweden -
Brokamåla Gård (Farm) Welcome to our wonderful place! In Sweden's southernmost wilderness, "Lake district" in western Blekinge, you can enjoy our various activities, conferences and high-class accommodation with pure relaxation, your choice! <-> Camp Dragsö Sportfishing lodging, boat rentals, fishing guide service and pike fishing in the middle of gäddrikets capital Karlskrona in Blekinge archipelago. We have a fleet on 20 boats of which 14 of them are five-meter aluminum boats with motors up to 50 hp, unique for Sweden. We also have kayak for rent <-> Garnanäs Fishing Camp complete fishing camp with accommodation, guides and motor boats for rent. Fishing paradise all year round, here we fish for pike, sea trout, salmon, cod, perch and herring. The pikefishing is among the best in Sweden according to many fishermen. <-> Långasjönäs Camping & Holiday Village fishing in lake Långasjön and Kroksjöarna lakes <-> Svalemåla Cottages, fishing in the archipelago of Blekinges at Järnavik. 16 boats 6-20 hp. Open year round. <-> Mörrum River Lodge - Pool 17, accommodation of the highest international standard at Pool 17 of the river Mörrumsån
Karin Bengtsgård pike, perch and pike perch fishing, Bysjöns FVO, Dalälven. <-> Nordic Footprints fishing camp at river Fuluälven, Särna, northern Dalarna
Jakt o Fiskestugor Vinnalt (hunting and fishingcabins) put&take fishing for rainbow, catch and release fishing for trout. 20 km N East of Halmstad, Halland.
Mellanljusnans Strömfiskecamp in Färila, River Ljusnan <->
Tönnfors Fish Farm,
Fjällripan Lodge, Lofsdalen, Lofssjön, Lofsån. <-> Gård Smedjehögen Hede <-> Jennys Stugor, Långå, Hede. Ljusnan, Mittån, Grundsjön. Långå FVO, Hede FVO, Hedevikens FVOF, Vikarsjön. <-> Sonfjällscampen Hede <-> Storsjö Fishing Camp, Storsjökapell, river Ljungan, Sölvbackaströmmarna <-> Vemhån Fishing Camp, Fishing in river Veman.
Almdalen Mountain Farm, fishing in Hotagen mountain area, for char and trout. <-> Ammeråns Fishing Camp, river Ammerån, river Indalsälven <-> Anariset Two mountain fishing camps: Ajvin Sijte at Lake Östra Vattensjön and Anasjölägret at Lake Anasjön. When you want to fish genuine wild trout and brown trout in constant fresh, streams, tarns and lakes. Cabins, boats, sauna etc. <-> Destination Lapland Pike, have you ever dreamed of pike fishing in Swedish Lapland? We are proud to introduce the concept of the Destination Lapland Pike. We offer several top-class pike destinations, starting 350 km north of Arlanda Aiport. In Jämtland we have a camps in Hällesjö and Stugun. <-> Lits Camping, Cabins and Canoes Cabins for self catering, camping, Jämtland largest canoe / kayak center. Beautifully located at river Hårkan / Indalsälven. <-> Norråkers Camping Cabins for self catering, camping, boatrental, guideservice, located at river Saxälven and lake Tåsjön. <-> Rörvattnets Fishing Camp, Rörvattnet <-> Sjougdas Hunting & Fishing Camp, Lake Storsjougden in north east Jämtland. Offer accommodation, food, boats for rent, wilderness actvities. <-> Vaerie Fjällprodukter Secluded mountain area fishing, peaceful and virgin water area in grand nature in northern Jämtland <-> Zorbcenter Fiske boats and canoes for rent, cabins and house, river Indalsälven and nearby lakes
Adolfströms Handelsbod & Stugby river Laisälven and many lakes in the surrounding area, both winter and summer fishing. Pike, trout and char. <-> Ammarnäs Inn/Fishing Centre, offer guide service, accommodation, tackle shop in Ammarnäs. River Vindelälven, River Tjulån and many lakes and tarns. <-> Bertejaure Fishing Camp mountain lake cabins <-> Destination Lapland Pike, have you ever dreamed of pike fishing in Swedish Lapland? We are proud to introduce the concept of the Destination Lapland Pike. We offer several top-class pike destinations, starting 350 km north of Arlanda Aiport. In Lapland we have a camp in Gäddträsk just south of Lycksele. Miekak Hunting & Fishing Camp, (Fishing water info) <-> Rostujávri Fishing Camp, lake Råstojaure <-> Stákkonjárgga Mountain Lodge, Vary your grayling and trout fishing in the rushing Jaurekaska rapids, the magnificent Lake Stora Lule water and Lake Langas or other beautiful lakes in the nearby mountain area. <-> Tjuonajokk Fishing Camp, river Kaitumälven, lake Kaitumjaure. (Fishing water info) <-> Vindelåforsens Cabins, river Vindelälven, alke Bertejaure <-> Virisen Lappland, Fishing Camp, Lake Virisen, river Granån and nearby located tarns. <-> Vuoggatjålme, camping village, restaurant, helicopter service in th emountain of Arjeplog, close to roas 95. lake Vuoggatjålmejaure, Sieldutjåhkå, Ruonekjåhkå, Smuolejåhkå. <-> Vuonatjvikens Cabin Village, guided fishing in Arjeplog mountain area, fishing in lake Misjka, lake Riebnes, river Bartekälven, lake Gåbdok. Also helicopter airservice.
Glimminge Station fishing in river Helgeå near Broby. Scenic accommodation in tent camp close to river bank.
Adventure of Småland, located in mid Småland at lake Rusken. http://www.smalandreisen.de/region-ruskensee/angelcamp/ <-> Mjölknabbens Naturcamping, lake Åsnen. <-> Paradis Sport Fishing Camp (lake Södra Wixen), fishing for pike, zander and perch. <-> Smålandsfiskarnas Fishing Camp accommodation, food serving, put&take fishing for rainbow and trout. <-> Strömfiske Alsterån, stream fishing for brown trout river Alsterån. <-> Strömhults Sportfiske High class fly fishing for big rainbow and trout in both streams and still waters. Both Put&Take and wild fish. Western Småland. <-> Strömmagård, river Ronnebyån, brown trout, pike, bream and crayfish, far south of Småland. <-> Vidinge Farm. Strömfiske Alsterån, stream fishing for brown trout river Alsterån. <-> Ödevata Fishing Camp (lake Ödevaten in south Småland) fishing for pike, pikeperch, perch
Södermanland (for camps in Stockholm archipelago check also Uppland) No info available at them moment
Uppland (for camps in Stockholm archipelago check also Södermanland)
Fyrväpplingen Sportfishing A complete Sportfishing Camp. 1 hour drive from Stockholm. Fishing, lodging and conference facilities. Lodging in cabins and at the camping ground. Fishing in Put&Take lakes for rainbow, trout and brook trout. Also fishing in lakes for perch, pike and pikeperch.
Munkebergs Camping, Filipstad, fishing in Lake Lersjön, Lake Daglösen, Lake Färnsjön, Lake Yngen. <-> V. Ämterviks Camping & Hostel, Campsite and hostel service. Fishing packages for trolling fishermen.
Fromhedens Camp & Cabin Village river Norsjöån, Malån, Skeppsträskån and Västerbotten mountain region.
Camp Lake Mjörn, Sjövik. Lake Mjörn. Cabins, fishing guide, boats. Perch, pike, trout and pike perch (zander) <-> Hökensås Sportfishing Centre The sportfishing area offer wilderness like fishing all year round in 30 put&take lakes, stocked with brown trout and rainbow. Accommodation, tackle shop, guide service and more. <-> Kroksjön Fishing Camp put&take fishing for rainbow and trout, also fishing for natural populated perch and pike.
Destination Lapland Pike, have you ever dreamed of pike fishing in Swedish Lapland? We are proud to introduce the concept of the Destination Lapland Pike. We offer several top-class pike destinations, starting 350 km north of Arlanda Aiport. In Ångermanland we have a camps near lake Lesjön and Rossön. <-> Norråkers Camping Cabins for self catering, camping, boatrental, guideservice, located at river Saxälven and lake Tåsjön
Bo Pensionat, Vickleby, Trout Camp, accommodation, restaurant, fishing guide service and more <-> Grankullavik Cabin village and Sportfishing Center, northern Öland, fishing for sea trout, salmon, perch and pike. <-> Hälluddens Cabin and Fishing Center, northern Öland, fishing for sea trout, salmon, perch and pike.
Norrbyströmmen river put & take fishing with accommodation service near Borensberg. <-> Ryda Jakt & Fiske lake Åsunden and Björkern, fishing for cray-fish, pike, pikeperch, perch, char, tench. <->
(c) Cinclus C 2017
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